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Thursday 18 Hole Golf League

July 1, 2021 @ 10:30 am - 12:30 pm

  1. Tee times are are from 10:26am-12:18pm.
  2. ** Tee times will be compressed to fill gaps, so if you sign up in a later tee time you may actually get a slightly earlier time so Wanaki can optimize the tee sheet. **
  3. Pay attention to the tee times already used when you register. Tee times are set in order of registration and those that sign up for a tee time already taken will be moved to an available tee time.
  4. REGISTRATION OPENS ON WEDNESDAY (8 DAYS PRIOR TO THE LEAGUE DATE) AT 6:30AM AND CLOSES AT 6:00AM THE DAY BEFORE.  If you decide you want to play or make changes after the registration deadline, please call the pro shop at (262) 252-3480 to check availability.



July 1, 2021
10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Event Category:


Jim Ehnert


Wanaki Golf Course
N50 W20830 Lisbon Rd
Menomonee Falls, WI, WI 53051 United States
+ Google Map
262 252-3480
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Currently Registered

#1 10:34am-Frank Showers Tony Metro (tmetro) #3 10:26am-John Erato Jerry Retzlaff (jretzlaff) Larry Hertel (lhertel) Krys Komornicki (kkomornicki) #5 10:50am-Bob Osmanski Bob Rogowski (brogowski) Steve Taylor (staylor) #7 11:14am-Lee Valent Gary Schultz (gschultz) #9 10:34am-William Goglia #11 11:06am-Pat Chambers #13 Any-Tom Rave #15 11:38am-Jason Greguska David Strackbein (dstrackbein) #17 10:58am-Kim Dooyema #19 Any-Brad Bateman #21 10:58am-Ross Wise
#2 10:34am-Ron Buettner Dan Roads (droads) Wally Smanski (wsmanski) William Zeidler (wzeidler) #4 10:42am-Earl Ayers James Klamik (jklamik) Rick Tills (rtills) Tom Schutz (tschutz) #6 11:06am-Marvin Hiller Jim Handlos (jhandlos) Dwight Beatovic (dbeatovic) #8 11:22am-Steve Vaughan David Vaughan (dvaughan) Dan Wick (dwick) Martin Cherney Sr. (mcherneysr) #10 11:30am-William Kerr Dan Kaegi (dkaegi) Jim Remondino (jremondino) Mark Syvrud (msyvrud) #12 10:50am-Nathan Christensen #14 Any-Paul Paikowski Mike Kuchar (mkuchar) #16 10:34am-George Downey #18 Any-Dave McRoberts #20 11:06am-James Groose #22 10:58am-Brian Pankow