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Flag Day

September 26, 2021 @ 7:30 am - 2:30 pm

Flag day is one of the most fun formats of the Men’s Club season. Each participant is given a flag with a number on it. This number is calculated as 60 + your Wanaki WSGA Handicap on the day of the event. The flag travels with you throughout your round until the shot number corresponding to the number on your flag comes to rest. At that point you place your flag in the ground and continue playing your round. When the flag numbered shot does not end up on or around the green, the flag is placed at the closest edge of the fairway at the same distance from the hole from where the flag numbered shot rests. If it is near or on the green, the flag is placed at the edge of the green with a notation of how far the ball is from the hole when it came to rest.




September 26, 2021
7:30 am - 2:30 pm
Event Category:


Todd Halverson


Wanaki Golf Course
N50 W20830 Lisbon Rd
Menomonee Falls, WI, WI 53051 United States
+ Google Map
262 252-3480
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Currently Registered

#1 7:30am-Steve Vaughan (White) David Vaughan (dvaughan) Tyler Vaughn (tvaughn) #3 8:10am-Rick Sorenson (White) Ken Wanner (kwanner) (White) Brian Bialobrzeski (bbialobrzeski) (White) Steve Bialobrzeski (sbialobrzeski) (White) #5 11:06am-Matt Radke (White) Jay Radke (jradke) (White) #7 8:34am-Mike Moritz (White) Todd Halverson (thalverson) (White) #9 9:06am-Bryan Laird (White) Chad Miller (cmiller) (White) David Miller Jr. (dmiller) (Gold) Derek Dahlgren (ddahlgren) (White) #11 10:10am-Kevin Niklasch (White) Bill Niklasch (bniklasch) (White) Mike Walther (mwalther) (White) Dan DeLaura (ddelaura) (White) #13 8:26am-Carl Wickman (White) Richard Oakes (roakes) (White) Jerome Olander (jolander) (White) Mike Ermi (mermi) (White) #15 Any-Bob Rogowski (White) Frank Showers (fshowers) Steve Taylor (staylor) (Gold) Jerry Retzlaff (jretzlaff) #17 11:30am-Joe Vachuska (White) #19 9:38am-Alex Perez (White) Bill Tomlin (btomlin) (White) Andrew Fix (afix) (White) Ron Broetzmann (rbroetzmann) (Gold) #21 10:58am-Tim Berner (Gold) #23 Any-Patrick Kobler (White) #25 10:34am-John French (White) Steve Nigh (snigh) (White) Paul Smith (psmith) (White) Bob Klingelhoets (bklingelhoets) (White) #27 10:58am-Bill Silberzahn (White) Leif Bergquist (lbergquist) (White) Ron Bergquist (rbergquist) (White) Scott Bergquist (sbergquist) (White) #29 Any-Bob Hart (White) #31 8:34am-George Whitaker (White) Dennis Petersdorf (dpetersdorf) (White) Tom Krause (tkrause) (White) #33 8:18am-Bob Marks (White) Jeff Powers (jpowers) #35 11:06am-Martin Cherney Sr. (White) Dan Wick (dwick) (White) #37 9:06am-Derek Dahlgren (White) #39 Any-Chris Gissal (White) Gary Olmschenk (golmschenk) #41 7:46am-Paul Gloudeman (White)
#2 7:54am-Lee Valent (Gold) Gary Schultz (gschultz) (Gold) Jim Nevermann (jnevermann) (White) Steve Menchal (smenchal) (White) #4 8:58am-Rob Zillmer (White) Pat Chambers (pchambers) (White) Ron Bergquist (rbergquist) (White) Bill Fedoryshyn (bfedoryshyn) (White) #6 10:02am-Joseph Ruf (White) Robert Ruf (rruf) (White) Randy DeLaura (rdelaura) (White) Wayne Knight (wknight) (White) #8 Any-Bob Klingelhoets (White) #10 8:34am-Tom Krause (White) #12 9:54am-Tim Nemec (White) Greg Nemec (gnemec) (White) #14 7:38am-Brian Klein (White) Brad Finger (bfinger) (White) Brent Yunk (byunk) (White) David Strackbein (dstrackbein) (White) #16 Any-Brian Clauter (White) Randy Nick (rnick) Tom Halla (thalla) (White) #18 8:42am-William Kerr (White) David Krueger (dkrueger) (White) Paul McCabe (pmccabe) (White) Joe McCabe (jmccabe) (White) #20 10:42am-Bill Koppelman (White) Chris Hensel (chensel) (White) Chad Wetzel (cwetzel) (White) Zach Dobson (zdobson) (White) #22 11:30am-Dwight Beatovic (White) #24 7:46am-Nick Stauff (White) #26 10:58am-Tom Schutz (Gold) #28 11:06am-Jim Remondino (Gold) Mark Syvrud (msyvrud) (Gold) #30 11:30am-Tom Schneider (Gold) #32 Any-Ron Knudsen (White) Patrick Kobler (pkobler) (White) #34 Any-David Steffens (White) #36 10:58am-Paul Provo (White) #38 7:30am-Tom Wannow (White) #40 8:58am-Troy Birk (White) Jeff Richards (jrichards) (White) Brian Dean (bdean) (White) Brandon Keirns (bkeirns) (White) #42 7:46:am-Jesse Long (White) Paul Gloudeman (pgloudeman) (White)