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October 9, 2021 @ 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

This is typically the final event of the season. Competition stroke play format from the white tees and players can sign up for one of two divisions, regular golf or 3 club. Each division has its own hole events, prize fund and net/gross skins games.

This event will be an 8:30am shotgun start.



October 9, 2021
8:30 am - 12:30 pm
Event Category:


Todd Halverson


Wanaki Golf Course
N50 W20830 Lisbon Rd
Menomonee Falls, WI, WI 53051 United States
+ Google Map
262 252-3480
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Currently Registered

#1 -Nathan Christensen (White) Standard #3 -Rob Zillmer (Gold) 3 Club Bill Fedoryshyn (bfedoryshyn) (White) 3 Club Pat Chambers (pchambers) (White) 3 Club Ron Bergquist (rbergquist) (White) 3 Club#5 -Joe Vachuska (White) 3 Club Trevor Seider (trseider) (White) 3 Club Jeb Vachuska (jvachuska1) (White) 3 Club James Groose (jgroose) (White) Standard#7 -Tim Berner (Gold) Standard #9 -Jim Remondino (Gold) Standard Mark Syvrud (msyvrud) (Gold) Standard Randy Brzezinski (rbrzezinski) (White) Standard Jeff Fuller (jfuller) (Gold) Standard#11 -Jeff Oleson (White) Standard Brad Oleson (boleson) (White) Standard Vince Hunt (vhunt) (White) Standard #13 -Chris Holzem (White) Standard Ken Pulvermacher (kpulvermacher) (White) Standard John Sanfelippo (jsanfelippo) (White) Standard Richard Oakes (White) Standard#15 -Mike Moritz (White) 3 Club Mike Kuchar (mkuchar) (Gold) 3 Club Stephen Treacy (streacy) (White) 3 Club Todd Halverson (thalverson) (White) 3 Club#17 -Tom Krause (White) 3 Club Daniel Krause (dkrause) (White) 3 Club #19 -Dan DeLaura (White) Standard Matt Meunier (mmeunier) (White) Standard Mike Zandi (mzandi) (White) Standard Ron Broetzmann (rbroetzmann) (Gold) Standard#21 -George Downey (White) Standard #23 -Steve Bialobrzeski (White) 3 Club Brian Bialobrzeski (bbialobrzeski) (White) 3 Club #25 -Brian Pankow (White) 3 Club #27 -Christopher Sweany (White) 3 Club #29 -John French (White) 3 Club #31 -Jim Tangney (White) Standard Ron Knudsen (rknudsen) Standard #33 -Rick Trindl (Gold) Standard
#2 -Mark Manion (White) 3 Club #4 -Brad Finger (White) 3 Club Brian Klein (bklein) (White) 3 Club Tom Halla (thalla) (White) 3 Club Brent Yunk (byunk) (White) Standard#6 -Steve Taylor (Gold) 3 Club Bob Rogowski (brogowski) (Gold) 3 Club Frank Showers (fshowers) (Gold) Standard Krys Komornicki (kkomornicki) (Gold) Standard#8 -Ron Knudsen (White) Standard #10 -Bob Hart (White) Standard Ron Buettner (rbuettner) (Gold) Standard #12 -Kevin Niklasch (Gold) 3 Club Jay Radke (jradke) (Gold) 3 Club Randy DeLaura (rdelaura) (Gold) 3 Club Mike Walther (mwalther) (White) 3 Club#14 -Martin Cherney Sr. (White) 3 Club Dan Wick (dwick) (White) 3 Club #16 -Tom Sjoberg (White) Standard #18 -Tom Schneider (Gold) Standard Michael Brophy (mbrophy) Jeffery Dziewit (jdziewit) #20 -Bill Koppelman (White) 3 Club Chris Hensel (chensel) (White) Standard Chad Wetzel (cwetzel) (White) 3 Club Zach Dobson (zdobson) (White) 3 Club#22 -Paul Paikowski (White) Standard #24 -Jeff Wierzba (White) Standard David Vaughan (dvaughan) (White) Standard #26 -Chris Gissal (White) Standard Gary Olmschenk (golmschenk) (White) Standard #28 -Dave Cunningham (White) 3 Club #30 -Carl Wickman (White) 3 Club #32 -Brian Dean (White) 3 Club Brandon Keirns (bkeirns) (White) 3 Club #34 -Dave McRoberts (Gold) Standard