Thank you to all who participated in the Individual Net away tournament at Naga-Waukee. Congratulations go out to; Individual Gross 1st - Tom Halla (-2) 2nd - Brad Finger (E)…
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Member Appreciation and Social Event!  Jim and his staff did a great job with lunch and we had a beautiful day to…
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Lawrence Welk 123-234 event! Lawrence Welk 123-234 1st - Nemec/Nemec/Berner/Blind Draw (-21) 2nd - Miller/Miller/Miller/Blind Draw (-19) 3rd - Moritz/Cherney/Beatovic/Hart (-15) 3rd…
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Wanaki Cup event! Don't send any hate mail about the makeup of the teams, Bluegolf does it automatically and makes the team…
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Stableford event! We apologize for the delay in sending results, our schedules got out of whack for the last two weeks. Stableford…
Thank you to everyone who participated in the Net Partners event! Net Partners 1st - DeLaura/Perez (-17) 2nd - Metzger/Sanfelippo (-13) 3rd - Paikowski/Kuchar (-6) 3rd - Ploch/Tautges (-6) 3rd…
Thank you to everyone who participated Memorial 3-2-1 event!  It was a great tribute to the members we have lost in the last year. Jim and his staff did a…
Thank you to everyone who participated The Early Bird 4M-2BB event! We had great weather, a good turnout, and the Wanaki staff did a great job with the Cinco de…