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Memorial 3-2-1

May 16, 2021 @ 8:00 am - 1:00 pm

Memorial 3-2-1  is a 4 man team event, teams will be made up of players in your foursome, not a blind draw.  The competition is played as follows :

On all Par 5’s, 1 low net score (after handicap adjustment) is the team score
On all Par 4’s, 2 low net scores (after handicap adjustment) is the team score
On all Par 3’s, 3 low net scores (after handicap adjustment) is the team score

Even par for this event is 137 and players will receive 90% of their individual Wanaki WSGA handicap at the time of the event.

8:00am shotgun start.



May 16, 2021
8:00 am - 1:00 pm
Event Category:


Todd Halverson


Wanaki Golf Course
N50 W20830 Lisbon Rd
Menomonee Falls, WI, WI 53051 United States
+ Google Map
262 252-3480
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Currently Registered

#1 -Ron Buettner (Gold) Bob Hart (bhart) Lee Valent (lvalent) (Gold) #3 -David Strackbein (White) Tom Sjoberg (tsjoberg) (White) James Groose (jgroose) (White) Keegan Dole (kdole) (White) #5 -William Kerr (Gold) David Krueger (dkrueger) (Gold) Jim Remondino (jremondino) (Gold) Gary Olmschenk (golmschenk) (Gold) #7 -Derek Dahlgren (White) #9 -Krys Komornicki (Gold) Todd Komornicki (tkomornicki) (White) #11 -James Hecker (White) Michael Hecker (mhecker) #13 -Kevin Niklasch (White) Mike Walther (mwalther) (White) Jay Radke (jradke) (White) Matt Radke (mradke) (White) #15 -Bob Rogowski (Gold) Steve Taylor (staylor) (Gold) Larry Hertel (lhertel) (Gold) Frank Showers (fshowers) (Gold) #17 -Vince Hunt (White) #19 -Mark Manion (White) #21 -Tim Nemec (White) Greg Nemec (gnemec) (White) #23 -George Downey (White) #25 -Paul Paikowski (White) Joe McCabe (jmccabe) (White) Stephen Treacy (streacy) (White) Mike Kuchar (mkuchar) (White) #27 -Tom Schneider (Gold) Jeffery Dziewit (jdziewit) (Gold) Mark Syvrud (msyvrud) (Gold) Michael Brophy (mbrophy) (Gold) #29 -Matt Meunier (White) #31 -Jonathan Freyer (White) #33 -Zach Dobson (White) Chris Hensel (chensel) (White) Zach Dobson (zdobson) (White) #35 -Tom Reigle (White)
#2 -Bob Marks (White) Jeff Powers (jpowers) Steve Menchal (smenchal) #4 -Randy DeLaura (White) Dan DeLaura (ddelaura) (White) Alex Perez (aperez) (White) Ron Broetzmann (rbroetzmann) (White) #6 -Steve Vaughan (White) David Vaughan (dvaughan) Jeff Wierzba (jwierzba) Dan Wick (dwick) (White) #8 -Rob Zillmer (White) Ron Bergquist (rbergquist) (White) Pat Chambers (pchambers) (White) Bill Fedoryshyn (bfedoryshyn) (White) #10 -Jim Nevermann (White) Bob Marks (bmarks) (White) Steve Menchal (smenchal) (White) Jeff Powers (jpowers) (White) #12 -Joe Vachuska (White) Jeb Vachuska (jvachuska1) (White) Daniel Krause (dkrause) (White) Tom Krause (tkrause) (White) #14 -Tom Boyke (White) James Hecker (jhecker) Michael Hecker (mhecker) (White) #16 -Brad Finger (White) Brian Klein (bklein) (White) Tom Halla (thalla) (White) Carl Wickman (cwickman) (White) #18 -Jason Greguska (White) #20 -Chris Young (Gold) #22 -Chris Holzem (White) Ken Pulvermacher (kpulvermacher) (White) John Sanfelippo (jsanfelippo) (White) Nick Stauff (nstauff) (White) #24 -George Whitaker (White) Richard Oakes (roakes) (White) Al Fischer (afischer) (White) John Geder (jgeder) (White) #26 -Tom Rave (White) #28 -Ken Wanner (White) Rick Sorenson (White) Dave Cunningham (White) Joseph Ruf (White) #30 -Tim Berner (Gold) #32 -Gary Kamin (White) #34 -Mike Feldner (White)